15 research outputs found


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    Uma alimentação saudável juntamente a atividade física favorece a diminuição de fatores de riscos a saúde, como o aumento de peso corporal e quantidade de gordura.  Hoje, diante a tantas práticas físicas, a musculação vem ganhando destaque. Com o objetivo de analisar o perfil nutricional e preferências alimentares de frequentadores de academias, foi realizada na cidade de Brejo Santo um estudo descritivo transversal com uma abordagem quantitativa com 45 sujeitos. Os participantes que possuem frequência de no mínimo três vezes por semana. Foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas objetivas, realização de avaliação nutricional, peso, altura, circunferência da cintura e circunferência do quadril. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos sujeitos com relação ao IMC está em sobrepeso, bem como estão com o risco elevado para doenças cardíacas. Os maiores objetivos dos participantes na academia foram ganhar massa muscular, emagrecer e melhorar a saúde. A maioria relatou que não fazem acompanhamento com nutricionista, recebendo o auxílio de educadores físicos e amigos para fazer uso de suplementação. Desta forma, verifica-se a necessidade de uma orientação nutricional aos praticantes de musculação tanto para ganho da massa magra como adequação dos suplementos a cada indivíduo

    Violência obstétrica na perspectiva dos profissionais de enfermagem envolvidos na assistência ao parto

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    Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento de profissionais de enfermagem envolvidos na assistência ao parto sobre violência obstétrica. Método: Estudo de natureza qualitativa em que participaram da pesquisa enfermeiros(as) que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão: ser enfermeiro(a) da maternidade lócus do estudo, possuir graduação por um período mínimo de seis meses e trabalhar diretamente na assistência ao parto. Realizou-se entrevista semiestruturada, utilizando-se do critério de saturação dos dados para encerramento da coleta. Para a organização dos resultados foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os enfermeiros participantes apontaram quais as técnicas, práticas e manobras que consideram ser violência obstétrica. Foi identificado diante das experiências dos profissionais que a ocorrência da violência obstétrica ainda é bastante praticada. Percebeu-se que profissionais da enfermagem possuem conhecimentos acerca da violência obstétrica, como também as suas práticas. Conclusão: Aponta-se assim a necessidade de que tais agravos, em sua assistência, possam ser reduzidos a partir de ações estratégicas e protocolos assistenciais.Objective: Evaluate the knowledge of nursing professionals involved in childbirth care about obstetric violence. Method: This was a qualitative study in which nurses met the following inclusion criteria: being a nurse in the maternity hospital of the study, graduating for a minimum period of six months and working directly in childbirth care. A semi-structured interview was performed using the data saturation criterion to close the collection. For the organization of the results the content analysis technique was used. Results: The participating nurses pointed out the techniques, practices and manoeuvres they consider to be obstetric violence. It was identified from the experiences of professionals that the occurrence of obstetric violence is still quite practiced. It was noticed that nursing professionals have knowledge about obstetric violence, as well as their practices. Conclusion: Thus, it is pointed out that these problems, in their assistance, can be reduced through strategic actions and assistance protocols.Objetivo: Evaluar el conocimiento de profesionales de enfermería involucrados en la asistencia al parto acerca de la violencia obstétrica. Método: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo en que participaron enfermeros que atendieron a los criterios de inclusión: ser enfermero (a) de la maternidad locus del estudio, poseer graduación por un período mínimo de seis meses y trabajar directamente en la asistencia al parto. Se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada, utilizando el criterio de saturación de los datos para el cierre de la recolección. Para la organización de los resultados se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido. Resultados: Los enfermeros participantes apuntar cuáles son las técnicas, prácticas y maniobras que consideran ser violencia obstétrica. Fue identificado ante las experiencias de los profesionales que la ocurrencia de la violencia obstétrica todavía es bastante practicada. Se percibió que profesionales de enfermería poseen conocimientos acerca de la violencia obstétrica, así como sus prácticas. Conclusión: Se apunta así la necesidad de que tales agravios, en su asistencia, puedan ser reducidos a partir de acciones estratégicas y protocolos asistenciales

    Is caffeine recommended before exercise? A systematic review to investigate its impact on cardiac autonomic control via heart rate and its variability

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    Evaluating different doses of caffeine (CAF) on heart rate (HR) variability (HRV) during and following exercise in order to assess its impact on autonomic control. We intended to evaluate the influence of CAF as a supplement before exercise on HRV through a systematic review. Manuscripts were selected based on electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL databases from 2010 to 2019 and followed the protocol Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). Blind randomized designs and controlled trials that reported the influence of CAF on HRV during exercise and during recovery from exercise, with strength of evidence assessed using the GRADE system; the search for the studies was organized using the PICOS strategy. A total of 1797 articles were recognized, following the screening and eligibility stages, 9 studies continued to the final sample. Six studies reported that the combination of CAF supplementation with physical exercise exhibited higher HR when compared to the placebo group during post-exercise recovery; additionally, prolonged activation of sympathetic cardiac control and delayed parasympathetic reactivation following exercise was observed. However, three studies demonstrated no CAF influence when using similar doses. This review observed equivocal results in HR and HRV recovery following exercise with the presence of CAF consumption. These findings cannot confirm the cardiac autonomic changes observed where entirely due to the influence of CAF, and further studies should be performed to better understand this relationship

    Musical auditory stimulus acutely influences heart rate dynamic responses to medication in subjects with well-controlled hypertension

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    Music can improve the efficiency of medical treatment when correctly associated with drug action, reducing risk factors involving deteriorating cardiac function. We evaluated the effect of musical auditory stimulus associated with anti-hypertensive medication on heart rate (HR) autonomic control in hypertensive subjects. We evaluated 37 well-controlled hypertensive patients designated for antihypertensive medication. Heart rate variability (HRV) was calculated from the HR monitor recordings of two different, randomly sorted protocols (control and music) on two separate days. Patients were examined in a resting condition 10 minutes before medication and 20 minutes, 40 minutes and 60 minutes after oral medication. Music was played throughout the 60 minutes after medication with the same intensity for all subjects in the music protocol. We noted analogous response of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure in both protocols. HR decreased 60 minutes after medication in the music protocol while it remained unchanged in the control protocol. The effects of anti-hypertensive medication on SDNN (Standard deviation of all normal RR intervals), LF (low frequency, nu), HF (high frequency, nu) and alpha-1 scale were more intense in the music protocol. In conclusion, musical auditory stimulus increased HR autonomic responses to anti-hypertensive medication in well-controlled hypertensive subjects

    Transnasal Removal of Ectopic Supernumerary Tooth from Cleft Patient

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    Background: The ectopic teeth can be permanent, deciduous or supernumerary and they are changes caused by the morphogenesis and growth of tissue outside their common positions. The ectopic inclusions occur in about 1% of the population. They can occur due to bad position of tooth germs, development disorder such as cleft palate, because of aberrant patterns of eruption, lack of space in the dental arch and tooth dislocation due to trauma or a pathological injury.Case Report: This article had as its main objective to present a clinical case of ectopic supernumerary tooth in the nasal cavity proceeding with its surgical removal from a cleft patient who mainly complained of respiratory obstruction.Conclusion: The importance of a correct diagnosis and suitable treatment through dental extraction through transnasal access was noted, as well as a simultaneous correction of the oralnasal fistula

    Nutritional intervention in berardinelli syndrome or generalized congenital lipoatrophy: case report

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    Introdução e Objetivos: A Lipodistrofia Congênita Generalizada é uma desordem genética rara, autossômica recessiva, de baixa prevalência cujo diagnóstico acompanha várias alterações metabólicas e sistêmicas, com maior destaque: diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, esteatose hepática, dislipidemia e insuficiência renal. O principal objetivo é relatar como a Interferência Nutricional na Lipodistrofia Congênita Generalizada melhora o estado de saúde de pacientes portadores. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de caso, exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, realizada na cidade de Juazeiro do Norte-CE. A partir da leitura e interpretação do prontuário foram obtidas informações e aplicação de cardápio para melhora de taxas bioquímicas. Discussão: Dentro de tantas alterações metabólicas instaladas, características da síndrome, a intervenção dietoterápica é uma forma de tratamento. Aliado a prática de atividade física e as medicações, melhoraram a qualidade de vida e consequentemente a expectativa de vida dos portadores. O alcance das metas nutricionais no tratamento é variável e depende da adesão à dieta. As orientações dietéticas recomendam: restrição do aporte energético total, de gordura saturada e de carboidratos simples, dando preferência ao consumo de carboidratos complexos, fibras solúveis, triglicerídeos de cadeia média e ácidos graxos insaturados e a terapia medicamentosa. Resultados e Conclusão: Sobre a literatura encontrada acerca da dietoterapia mais adequada na Lipodistrofia Congênita Generalizada ainda é escassa, sendo relevante o conhecimento do tema, pois a utilização da dietoterapia adequada melhora o estado metabólico do paciente, melhorando as taxas bioquímicas e a expectativa de vida dos portadores. Introduction and Objectives: Generalized Congenital Lipoatrophy is a rare, autosomal recessive, low prevalence genetic disorder whose diagnosis accompanies several metabolic and systemic alterations, most notably diabetes mellitus, systemic arterial hypertension, hepatic steatosis, dyslipidemia and renal failure. The main objective is to report how the Nutritional Interference in Generalized Congenital Lipoatrophy improves the health status of patients. Materials and Methods: This is an exploratory case study with a qualitative approach, carried out in the city of Juazeiro do Norte-CE. From the reading and interpretation of the medical record, information and menu application were obtained to improve biochemical rates. Discussion: Within the many metabolic changes installed, characteristics of the syndrome, dietary intervention is a form of treatment. Together with the practice of physical activity and medications, they improved the quality of life and, consequently, the life expectancy of the patients. The achievement of nutritional goals in treatment is variable and depends on adherence to diet. Dietary guidelines recommend: restriction of total energy intake, saturated fat and simple carbohydrates, giving preference to the consumption of complex carbohydrates, soluble fibers, medium chain triglycerides and unsaturated fatty acids and drug therapy. Results and Conclusion: Regarding the literature on the most adequate diet therapy in Generalized Congenital Lipodystrophy, the relevance of the topic is still relevant, since the use of adequate diet therapy improves the patient's metabolic status, improving the biochemical rates and the expectation of life of the carriers

    Intervenção nutricional na síndrome de Berardinelli ou lipodistrofia congênita generalizada: relato de caso

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    Introduction and Objectives: Generalized Congenital Lipoatrophy is a rare, autosomal recessive, low prevalence genetic disorder whose diagnosis accompanies several metabolic and systemic alterations, most notably diabetes mellitus, systemic arterial hypertension, hepatic steatosis, dyslipidemia and renal failure. The main objective is to report how the Nutritional Interference in Generalized Congenital Lipoatrophy improves the health status of patients. Materials and Methods: This is an exploratory case study with a qualitative approach, carried out in the city of Juazeiro do Norte-CE. From the reading and interpretation of the medical record, information and menu application were obtained to improve biochemical rates. Discussion: Within the many metabolic changes installed, characteristics of the syndrome, dietary intervention is a form of treatment. Together with the practice of physical activity and medications, they improved the quality of life and, consequently, the life expectancy of the patients. The achievement of nutritional goals in treatment is variable and depends on adherence to diet. Dietary guidelines recommend: restriction of total energy intake, saturated fat and simple carbohydrates, giving preference to the consumption of complex carbohydrates, soluble fibers, medium chain triglycerides and unsaturated fatty acids and drug therapy. Results and Conclusion: Regarding the literature on the most adequate diet therapy in Generalized Congenital Lipodystrophy, the relevance of the topic is still relevant, since the use of adequate diet therapy improves the patient's metabolic status, improving the biochemical rates and the expectation of life of the carriers.Introdução e Objetivos: A Lipodistrofia Congênita Generalizada é uma desordem genética rara, autossômica recessiva, de baixa prevalência cujo diagnóstico acompanha várias alterações metabólicas e sistêmicas, com maior destaque: diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, esteatose hepática, dislipidemia e insuficiência renal. O principal objetivo é relatar como a Interferência Nutricional na Lipodistrofia Congênita Generalizada melhora o estado de saúde de pacientes portadores. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de caso, exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, realizada na cidade de Juazeiro do Norte-CE. A partir da leitura e interpretação do prontuário foram obtidas informações e aplicação de cardápio para melhora de taxas bioquímicas. Discussão: Dentro de tantas alterações metabólicas instaladas, características da síndrome, a intervenção dietoterápica é uma forma de tratamento. Aliado a prática de atividade física e as medicações, melhoraram a qualidade de vida e consequentemente a expectativa de vida dos portadores. O alcance das metas nutricionais no tratamento é variável e depende da adesão à dieta. As orientações dietéticas recomendam: restrição do aporte energético total, de gordura saturada e de carboidratos simples, dando preferência ao consumo de carboidratos complexos, fibras solúveis, triglicerídeos de cadeia média e ácidos graxos insaturados e a terapia medicamentosa. Resultados e Conclusão: Sobre a literatura encontrada acerca da dietoterapia mais adequada na Lipodistrofia Congênita Generalizada ainda é escassa, sendo relevante o conhecimento do tema, pois a utilização da dietoterapia adequada melhora o estado metabólico do paciente, melhorando as taxas bioquímicas e a expectativa de vida dos portadores.

    Non-linear indices of heart rate variability during endodontic treatment

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    Abstract Dental treatment promotes psychosomatic change that can influence the procedure and compromise the general well-being of the patient. In this context, it highlights the importance of evaluating the function of the autonomic nervous system in individuals undergoing endodontic treatment. Thus, this manuscript aimed to analyse cardiac autonomic modulation, through non-linear indices of heart rate variability (HRV) during endodontic treatment. Analysis of 50 subjects of either sex aged between 18 and 40 years diagnosed with irreversible pulp necrosis of lower molars undergoing endodontic treatment was undertaken. We carried out fractal and symbolic analysis of HRV, which was recorded in the first session of the endodontic treatment at four intervals: T1: 0-10 min before the onset of the treatment session; T2: 0–10 min after the application of anaesthesia; T3: throughout the period of treatment; and T4: 0-30 min after the end of the treatment session. There was reduction of α1 in T2 compared to T1 and T4 (p < 0.0001). The α2 index also reduced in T2 compared to T3 (p = 0.0035). There was an increase in the α1/α2 ratio in T4 compared to T2 and T3 (p = 0.0003). It was found that 0V% was significantly lower in T2 (p = 0.002), while 2UV% was significantly higher (p < 0.0001) when compared to other points in time. In conclusion, HRV is reduced during endodontic treatment, and after applying local anaesthetic the parasympathetic component of HRV increases. These data indicate that endodontic treatment acutely overcharges the heart, supporting the stress involved in this situation

    Musical Auditory Stimulation Influences Heart Rate Autonomic Responses to Endodontic Treatment

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    We aimed to evaluate the acute effect of musical auditory stimulation on heart rate autonomic regulation during endodontic treatment. The study included 50 subjects from either gender between 18 and 40 years old, diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis or pulp necrosis of the upper front teeth and endodontic treatment indication. HRV was recorded 10 minutes before (T1), during (T2), and immediately (T3 and T4) after endodontic treatment. The volunteers were randomly divided into two equal groups: exposed to music (during T2, T3, and T4) or not. We found no difference regarding salivary cortisol and anxiety score. In the group with musical stimulation heart rate decreased in T3 compared to T1 and mean RR interval increased in T2 and T3 compared to T1. SDNN and TINN indices decreased in T3 compared to T4, the RMSSD and SD1 increased in T4 compared to T1, the SD2 increased compared to T3, and LF (low frequency band) increased in T4 compared to T1 and T3. In the control group, only RMSSD and SD1 increased in T3 compared to T1. Musical auditory stimulation enhanced heart rate autonomic modulation during endodontic treatment